Analytical reasoning is a person's ability to identify patterns within a group of facts or rules and use those patterns to determine outcomes that could be or must be true.
The following questions or group of questions are based on a passage or set of statements. Choose the best answer for each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet. It may be helpful to draw rough diagrams or simple charts in attempting to answer these question types.
Sample Questions
Six films (Quest to Hope, Rats, Sam, Terror, Victory, and Well-fleet are scheduled to be screened at a film festival. No more than two films may be screened during one day, but all of the films will be screened exactly once during the festival held Wednesday through Sunday. The screening schedule adheres to these parameters:
The producers of Terror will not allow it to be screened anytime prior to the screening of Victory.
Rats and Sam are complementary shorts and are to be screened the same day.
Quest to Hope and Well-fleet are both black-and-white films and should not be screened the same day.
Question 1
If Victory and Terror are screened the same day, which of the following must be true about the film festival schedule if it conforms to its parameters?
(A) Quest to Hope and Well-fleet will be screened the same day.
(B) Victory cannot be screened on Sunday.
(C) Sam and Rats will not be screened the same day.
(D) Exactly one day of the schedule will not have any film screening.
(E) Each day of the schedule will have at least one film screening.