A. Hence, the meal that is taken in the morning is breakfast.
B. The word originated from the fact that after dinner, we don’t eat the whole night and this is a long time for the body to go without food.
C. During day time, we keep on eating and munching after every 3-4 hours.
D. People often ask as to why breakfast is important.
E. But the duration between dinner and breakfast is pretty long, sometimes may be equivalent to a fast.
F. The answer lies in the word ‘breakfast’ itself.
Scan all the sentences, you get the main theme. It’s about Breakfast and the origin of the word.
Now, what can be the opening sentence?
From all the sentences
First sentence can’t be the opening sentence as it has a Linking word “HENCE”
Second sentence can’t be the opening sentence as it has THE. “THE” as an article, here is used to refer to something.
Third sentence also has a transition word “DURING”
Fifth sentence has a transition word “BUT”
Sixth sentence is not giving the sense of an opening sentence.
Therefore, D is the most apt opening sentence.
What can be the closing sentence?
By just scanning all the sentences, the sentences which are giving the feel of closing sentences are F and A.
Don’t get confused, we will get our last sentence with the help of elimination.
D is linked to F as there is a link. A question is asked and answer is given.
Here A gets eliminated so the probable last sentence is going to be F
F is linked to B as it is giving the explanation to the answer.
As we said look out for transition words But and Hence
To get the theme right, C is linked to E with the help of “But” and then E is linked to A with the help of “Hence”.