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FCC - Forman Christian College Admission 2025

Lahore - Punjab

Forman Christian College was established 148 years ago which makes it one of the oldest colleges in Lahore. Because Lahore is the provincial capital of Punjab that’s why there have always been a large number of universities in this area. Forman Christian College is located at Zahoor Illahi Road.

Affiliated College

Forman Christian College has always been encouraged by the Higher Education Commission. FCC provides various specialization fields so that maximum amount of students can get benefit from this university.

Programs and Courses

Forman Christian College provides different fields of sciences and arts alike. These include business, chemistry, Urdu, Statistics, English, Education, Biological Sciences, Economics, Statistics, Psychology, Physics, Mathematics, Geography, History, Political Sciences and many more. The university has equipped itself with the latest resources which give a great help to students to excel in their related fields. Forman Christian College tries to hire those faculty members which are able to provide quality education to students most efficiently. Programs:
MBA,BBA ,MS Economics,BS Economics,BA English,BA Urdu,BSC Statistics,Mass Comm.,BA History,PhDs

Admission Procedure 2025 - 2026

Any student can obtain the admission information by just simply visiting their web site. One can also get the prospectus and admission form by visiting their university campus. The University offers 21 majors and has 36 different schools. Anyone who is an outsider and want to visit their University campus can also get a road map from their web site.